Payment Method
Tell us you have paid for the order! Email:
1.Credit cards
We accept credit cards. Please choose credit cards as payment method when you check out. We will email you a payment request for the order total.
2: PayPal
We accept PayPal! If you prefer PayPal, please choose PayPal as payment method when you check out. We will email you a payment request for the order total.
3. Western Union
Western Union is the fastest way to transfer money worldwide. With its cheaper charge and convenient office locations, we are willing to accept this payment method. You can use your credit cards or just pay us via Western Union online. You can also learn more about western union payment and find your local Western Union agent at:
4. Bank T/T
Bank transfer is a slower way than Western Union, but we are willing to accept this payment method. You can use your credit cards or pay us via bank on line.
5. Other online payment
You can contact us for other payment.